Re: [CR] fyi -- Davis Hall of Fame in the news this morning

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In-Reply-To: <BAY102-W380B99F123119CAE66C396AC800@phx.gbl>
Date: Fri, 10 Apr 2009 12:54:11 -0400
From: "Edward Albert" <>
To: Rick Peoples <>
Subject: Re: [CR] fyi -- Davis Hall of Fame in the news this morning

Rickl I correct! As Vice President of the USBHOF and a member of its searc h committee I can proudly say that we have, after an intensive two year search, found a new home in Davis, California. One of our our list members , Dan Kehoe, was instrumental in this outcome. The official announcement was made this morning By Governor Schwarzenegger. The final two candidates, Greensboro, NC and Davis, Ca were both so very impressive and the decision was not an easy one but, in the end we thought that Davis offered the Hall its best opportunity to thrive and grow. Dan, I am sure will soon chime in on this. I was hoping to have made a joint announcement to the list with him has been the case in the last few days, info has leaked faste r than our ability to control it. I must add that our own Listmeister, Dale Brown, was instrumental in th e Greensboro bid and with his help they rolled out the red carpet for us when Bill Brunner and I visited last week. I wish we could be in two places at once but, unfortunately, it does not work this way. We are witnessing a new day for this organization. Not only will we increasingly be a national presence but, I hope a repository for the exhibition and preservation of the vast history of U.S. Cycling and cycling in general. You will all be hearing more from me and Dan about this as the project unfolds over the coming year as we move from New jersey to Davis. Thanks for listening. Edward Albert Chappaqua, New York, U.S.A.

On Fri, Apr 10, 2009 at 12:05 PM, Rick Peoples <>wro te:
> Davis will be new home of Bicycling Hall of Fame
> ShareThis
> By Bill Lindelof
> Published: Friday, Apr. 10, 2009 - 8:10 am
> Last Modified: Friday, Apr. 10, 2009 - 8:18 am
> Davis has snagged its own sports hall of fame and will become the n
> ew home of the U.S. Bicycling Hall of Fame.
> Davis,
> the self-proclaimed "bicycle capital of the United States," beat out
> Greensboro, N.C., to capture the hall that for the past two decades has
> been in Somerville, N.J.
> One city official, Councilman Stephen
> Souza, said the hall could be in temporary quarters in a downtown
> city-owned building by the end of the year.
> Bill
> Brunner, who chaired the hall of fame search committee, said it was a
> close call between the two cities but Davis was given the nod because
> of its many bike trails and because so many residents bike to work and sc ho
> ol.
> The
> hall asked communities to submit proposals to host the hall because the
> current Somerville location is slated for redevelopment. About 50
> communities were interested and 11 submitted proposals.
> The finalists turned out to be Greensboro and Davis. Both cities were vis it
> ed by selection team members.
> "The
> distinguishing difference between Greensboro and Davis was that Davis
> was so bicycling friendly," said Brunner. "All those bike lanes and the
> sheer number of people who use the bicycle as a method of
> transportation or recreation or sport."
> The hall's museum is
> filled with artifacts such as trophies, jerseys and bicycles from
> greats such as Major Taylor and Greg Lemond. The museum also inducts
> bicycling greats every year into the hall.
> "When we started this
> home search process, our intent was to be the Cooperstown of Cycling,"
> said Brunner. Cooperstown hosts baseball's hall of fame.
> Bicycling is being embraced by people during a time of high gas prices, c
> oncern about health and the green movement, he said.
> ShareThis
> Rick Peoples
> Temecula CA US of A
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