Where these Len Phipps lugs do you think? Is Len still with us and filing? Rob Williams Sunny and snowy in Seattle
In this case Sterling provided me with the lugs which I believe were pur chased from Martin Coopland or Ray Etherton. The lugs are stamped from H ayden blanks and finished by hand as far as I know. There are a number o f lug patterns that used to be available from England that used the same blank lugs to start with. From what I understand, the lug blanks are in short supply or no longer available. I just happen to have a box full o f the blank lugs that I purchased a while ago. ;-)
I don't know if there were more photos than just the two I saw that Ster ling posted, but there needs to be some closer detail shots to see the r eal effect. I did modify the lugs slightly from the stampings, so they a ren't quite exactly like the ones used on the Bates frames. The crown is a Pacenti IC crown, slightly altered. The Bates you showed has round fo rk blades. Sterling's frame has continental oval road fork blades.
Thanks for the photos of your Bates. That's a nice bike and Ron Cooper h as been one of my favorite British builders since the early 70's.
Brian Baylis
La Mesa, CA
San Diego Custom Bicycle Show 2010
Hi Sterling,
Your Baylis looks very nice! Were you seeking a "Bates" style replica , a s your frame looks like a copy of the lugwork on my Ron Cooper built "Ba tes Volante" purchased from England.
Here's the address for photos of my contemporary Bates posted on Wool Je rse y:
Looks like the same lugs, fork crown, and brake bridge treatment sans th e 5 31 Cantiflex tubing and Diadrant fork blades.
Regards, Kevin Kruger - Grantville, PA