Hi all,
Thanks to those who have helped me find homes for some of my loot. The clean-out continues, and I've just filled my office floor with items that may be of interest here. Included are:
- 38 issues of Bike Tech, beginning in 1982 and extending a bit past this list's deadline. This was a techie periodical featuring materials, mechanicals, design, aerodynamics, construction etc in the cycling industry. $2 each plus ship, would love to sell all together if possible. In groups if not, just to reduce the packing and post office trips. Email off list for more info.
-Most issues of Winning Magazine beginning with number One. Ditto above for pics or specific info.
-Five issues of Les Maillots, a large format, nice publication on the world of bike racing in the early 80's. Published by Shimano, but not product oriented. $5 per issue, Ditto above for info, photos etc.
-Several early VeloNews, from the days of newsprint, folded format, start up type publication.
-Others including Italian Bici Sport, Cycling Weekly, Le Mirroir du Cyclisme, and the like.
Let me know at gear@xmission.com if you can help me move these along and widen the trail from door to desk in the office.
Greg Overton
whatha, this room is carpeted?
Denver, Colorado