I have 2 used Pivo stems that I no longer use, one from a mid-60s gitane, I'm not sure where the other one migrated in from... Short one has 45mm reach and >total< height is 140mm. This one is hollow behind the handle-bars as far as the drop-bolt, but solid when seen from the rear. Faux lug, used but not stressed. $13 + actual postage Longer one has 95mm reach (c to c) actual length 100mm and >total< height is 150mm. This one is hollow all the way through, you can see the hole from the rear. Faux lug, used but not stressed. $13 + actual postage Pictures available. The cost is mostly to cover my trip to the post office and packaging (and I couldn't resist the # 13 for what some people call a "death stem). You can wait until you receive it to pay me something if you prefer... Thomas Seaman Portland, Oregon U.S. of A. http://www.kokoPedli.com
visiting in Moscow Idaho (U.S. of A.) till the end of the month...