At 09:07 PM 24/06/2009 +0000, Hugh Thornton wrote:
>As most of the respondents note, round fork blades are commonly used on
track bikes because they are laterall stiffer. They are potentially not as
stiff in the vertical and fore-aft directions - this is not an issue on
track bikes, but may account for a good ride on a road bike, as noted by
one respondent. To add to the list of road bikes with round forks, I have
a late 70s Gazelle Champion Mondiale with round blades, but I can't comment
on any possible effect because I have not yet had it built up. Most
Gazelles I have seen have had oval blades and I have't a clue whether this
was standard or an option for my particular frame. Round fork blades might
be a good choice for a criterium bike where good cornering and lateral
stiffness are more important.
Yes. And as Mike Thompson wrote in an earlier email, his Jack Taylor trike also has the. A trike fork would experience lateral forces the same as a track bike.
John Betmanis
Woodstock, Ontario