Wouldn't normally bother with this... previous post ref using French phone directory: idf doesn't mean indifferent, but Ile-de France, an area or region, abbreviation therefore.
Just in case, as whilst most all of the list are nice sensible guys, there are one or two who delight in pouncing on minor mistakes, slight doubt and soforth (usually beginning message by "sorry to rain on your show).
Also you'll need this info to use the online directory, because methinks it worketh not if ye don't specify at least a region (a list of which are available on the site).
Furthermore, regarding the "mystery" Herse, hath it a serial number ? Seem to remeber that somebody out there has access to the factory records and might want to be of assistance ? And even if that person were to say I am mistaken, could it be that the serial number of the frame fits into a pattern of known Herse serials ?
Nick March, Agen 47, France (previous two liner sent by mysterious keyboad shortcut premature shoot)