>>Anyone here care to elaborate on where Grandis rates<<
Thats such a subjective question (in this case, the Grandis model is OBVIOUSLY a MAJOR STEED).
However, like all manufacturers, you need to look at the individual models and stop making sweeping judgement....OK, Huffy bikes excluded....but lets say Cinelli. If one was to "elaboarte where Cinelli rate" in regards to their MTN (off topic) bike, one easily elaborate that they are a big time peice of stinking CRAP.
By that same token Grandis may make a low end peice of poo, and it would be a shame to conclude that all Grandis were of the same quality just be seeing a lower line...assuming they made one.
Nels Cone
Seattle WA
> Date: Sat, 6 Jun 2009 21:20:39 -0600
> From:
> To:
> Subject: Re: [CR] GRANDIS 55cm COLUMBUS ALL CAMPY Road Bike FS SF
> I am picking up a similar bike tomorrow. It's a beautiful frame, but I
> have to say that I don't know much about Grandis. Anyone here care to
> elaborate on where Grandis rates, say an On Topic or maybe slightly
> off but definitely KOF?
> Thanks,
> Greg Overton
> now officially at my posting limit for today
> Denver, Colo
> Quoting Charles Nighbor <>:
> > A very nice GRANDIS 55cm COLUMBUS ALL CAMPY Road Bike for sale SF Craigslist
> > Not Seller
> > Charles Nighbor Walnut Creek, CA
> > USA
> >