I'd like to welcome you to The List and say good luck with your wedding and
that the bike you presented is lovely.
I also want to apologize for an environment that often is a little harsh in criticism and that leads you to plead for mercy from the very folks who should be supporting you in your first such offering to The List. Like any enthusiast group I recognize that we may get a little too enthusiastic with our comments. I do really hope that they are meant to be helpful and not hurtful. Overall, the thought behind it all is one of support, but we may lean to excess sometimes.
We really do need and appreciate younger collectors joining our grizzled group and love having you here. I hope you will feel most welcome and I'm sure others do also.
Tom Sanders
Lansing MI USA
Original Posting:
This is a shameless self promotion....
Would have liked to offer it to the list, however proceeds of this italian beauty goes to help fund my wedding in August, so I'm hoping to raise all that I can.
Any questions, comments, suggestions are welcome. This is my first bike sale on eBay so take it easy on me!
Bruce Audino
New York, NY