I would just like to thank everyone who came out for the Jumble. It was a blast meeting everyone, hanging out on the wall that morning with the VIA boys, Billy Rounds and co., the two Sams and more and more - my idea of 'happy hour'!
The Old Stone House, the wonderful little museum in the park was pleasantly surprised by the turn-out and can't wait to do it again! I think we'll do this annually. So I hope to see more of you next year!
And Mike S. - thanks for those pictures!
Jamie Swann was kind enough to judge the Concours and despite the dinky prizes (sorry, this is something I will correct next year) the winners were:
Best As-Found - Alex Singer Best Restoration - Fiorelli Roadster Most NY - Dick Power Best in Show - Matty Bowne's bike, built by himself.
More pictures, including my Drysdale that I thought would defeat the Dick Power (who am I kidding? Mine wasn't even built up!)here:
Always great to see the great unwashed,
Harry Schwartzman
Long Island City, NY