Nice article. I was there for the Sunday ride and it was a great time. The "Raleigh Boys" were very congenial and easy to chat up. There is one error in the article though which has special importance for me. The Longsjo website confirms that the 1970 winner was Doug Dale and not Flip Waldteuful. The reason I was there is that I own the Cinelli that Doug rode to victory in 1970 and I wanted to ride it on the Sunday ride, reunite Doug with his old bike and get his reaction. He was amazed and choked up a bit, especially when his team mates started pointing out details long forgotten. Doug lives in this area and knew that I had the bike but he hadn't seen and didn't expect it to look so good.
During the ride John Howard discussed his vintage bikes...sounded like he should be on the CR list.
If you check out the picture of the ride as it left down town Fitchburg, I'm the orange spec in the distance.
Norm Lafleur
Ashfield, Massachusetts
> Our head mechanic dropped me this email; he is friends with Bill Humphreys
> and Betsy Davis.
> A gathering of pioneers: The Raleigh Boys' reunion
> By Mark Johnson
> Published: Jul. 30, 2009
> Most American cycling fans credit three-time Tour de France winner Greg
> LeMond and the first U.S. rider in Tour de France, Jock Boyer, as the two
> who busted down the door for Lance Armstrong and the current field of U.S.
> riders in the European peloton.
> But American boots made the first real dents in Old World cycling's
> tradition-bound portico in the early 1970s.
> Full story:
> Enjoy,
> Tim
> ********************
> Tim Potter
> Coordinator
> MSU Bikes Service Center
> B10 Bessey Hall/ Michigan St. University
> Along the N. River Trail, 300 ft. west of Farm Ln. Bridge
> E. Lansing, MI 48824-1033
> Ph: 517/432-3400
> Fax: 517/432-2743
> Email: <>
> Web:
> "Where there is a wheel there is a way."
> Motto of the
> Roads
> Movement, early 1900s
> ************************************