Ben Kamenjas wrote from OZ: <snip> I'm still finishing smaller details on the bike to make it correct. If anyone has the following in good, clean condition they would like to sell please let me know: <snip> - an inch pitch freewheel (yes, freewheel) with 8, 9 or 10 teeth for standard thread ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Ben, I bet you can make one of these yourself. Start with a 1/2x 1/8 FW, and take it apart. Braze on a piece of sheet metal with a big hole that matches the inside ID of the sprocket. Trim to fit the teeth. That gets the 3/16" thickness, or just use the 1/8" as is. Now, the fun part: just grind off every other tooth, and reassemble the FW. One tongue-in-cheek hint: start with a FW that has an even number of teeth. :-)
I've never done anything quite this drastic, but one of my fixed gear bikes runs an 1/8" cog I ground down to match 3/32" chain. works fine.
harvey sachs
mcLean VA