This bike has been described as a "7-Eleven team bike". It is not a team bike. First, it has no number hanger and secondly the seat tube decals are wrong. I challenged the seller about his description and he finally told me that although the original owner said he had purchased it from 7-Eleven, it was a Junior Development bike. The font used for the Murray decal and the arrangement of the letters is all wrong.
Following up on the recent Murray 7-Eleven bikes built by Serotta, there is currently one on eBay, but it apparently has a replaced fork that was not disclosed in the item description.? I confirmed this with the seller, but he failed to post my question nor provide an update to the description (claimed frame was purchased without the fork).
Here's the auction address, or item #320414536866:
I own a Serotta Murray, and it is one fine riding machine (even have a photo of Bobke Roll standing next to the bike).
Regards, Kevin Kruger? -? Grantville, PA
Jerry Jeter, Wildwood, MO USA