I will be publishing some information about Sabatinis soon. Unfortunately your bike was one of about 30 bikes that were shipped to Canada to a distributor and never paid for. Other than these 30 bikes, Sabatinis were never shipped overseas. Sabatini was a craftsman for sure, building each bike by hand with his family playing a part by applying decals and assembling the components. Please send me a photo of your bike. I have a Sabatini track bike and would love to find others who own one of these gems.
Mark Pounders Richmond, Virginia
On Mon, Jul 27, 2009 at 6:28 PM, Brent Avery <> wrote:
> Anyone ever see or heard of this Italian make? I have owned one since 1978
> and purchased it new in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. Personally, outside of two
> examples on the internet and the 30 0r so at the bicycle shop itself back
> then if seems rather obscure. No doubt there were many, many frame makers
> in Italy at that time which never were seen outside the country. Just
> curious about the builder's history - if any!
> Brent Avery
> Vancouver, B.C. Canada
> _______________________________________________
Mark Pounders
Richmond, Virginia