Re: [CR] Best Roof rack for fendered bikes?

(Example: History:Ted Ernst)

Date: Fri, 7 Aug 2009 16:57:02 -0400
From: "Michael Schmidt" <>
To: Thomas Adams <>, <>
Thread-topic: [CR] Best Roof rack for fendered bikes?
Thread-index: AcoXoZy424GknYOUEd6xNwAWy8lbaw==
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Subject: Re: [CR] Best Roof rack for fendered bikes?

Hey Tom,

I used a hi-rise fork extender that Steve Willis sells at The Bike Stand. Basically it raised the point where the fork dropouts are held on the rack and that permits you to have the clearance necessary to bring the mudguards/fenders over the tray.

Hope all is well in Kansas.

Mike Schmidt Millington, NJ USA

On 8/7/09 3:42 PM, "Thomas Adams" <> wrote:
> Dear List:
> It seems more and more of my bikes (all on topic, of course) are sporting
> fenders these days, and with that comes the problem of carrying them on the
> car.  You can't throw them in the back of the minivan with a wheel off, as the
> front fender impedes storage, keeping you from turning the handlebars 9
> degrees.  You can't put them on a fork mount roof rack, because again, the
> front fender hits the wheel tray.  You can put them on a trunk rack, but it's
> harder to lock them for a quick dash to the store while driving to the ride
> start. 
> So I'm seeking advice for functional roof rack carriers that will be fender
> compatible.  I suspect it will have to be one that leaves both wheels on, but
> grabs the down tube, not the front wheel.  In particular, I'm looking at the
> Thule Big Mouth.  (I have both Yakima and Thule bars, so a carrier that works
> with both is ideal.)  My only concern would be water bottle cage interference
> where the carrier grabs the down tube.  Is anyone using the Big Mouth with a
> fendered bike?  Any pitfalls to watch out for?  I'd be interested in any other
> recommendations or alternate solutions.  What say you, group?
> Tom Adams
> Manhattan, KS USA