> I own an original paint light silver 1975 Masi Gran Criterium that I'd
> like to find touch-up paint for. As exact as possible. I know I can
> go the trial & error route, but I wondered if anyone has discovered a
> coincidental exact match with any of the current automobile colors on
> the market?
> Mark Winkelman
> Dallas, Texas USA
Mark, I don't bill myself as the end all restoration expert, but I've used the Alpha color code AR727 for Cinelli's. I don't know if this is the same code as Phil was refering to? This color would probably be pretty close to the Masi...
But when I do Masi silver I use a Fiat/Lancia color code 678, Dupont # is 44517- (other paint brands will use their own #.) The color match was pretty spot on to the Masi's I tested it on, and then repainted.
Other painter's may have their own special matching #s, maybe they'll chime in.
Hope this helps,
peter weigle
lyme, ct.