Its been a couple years since I last posted to the list. Essentially after being a swimmer, runner and bicyclist for many many years I rode my bike into the garage and parked it. Those who know me know the story goes on a bit. But essentially thats what happened. No good explanation for this. I wont say I traded my Magnum Opus for a Mojito, but I do notice I have not given up the eating, drinking and the social parts.
The Magnum Opus will stay in the barn as will the Richard Moon, so to the Bob Jackson. I still like looking at them and I do hope the urge to ride returns at some point. I couldnt imagine being without exercise, up until a few years ago and would never have guessed at this turn of events, but here it is. I confess to a bit of guilt when thinking about those of us who have lost their ability to ride do to accident or illness. But thats not my story.
I really did enjoy the time I spent on the list, my trip to the Hetchins Rally with Hetchins Pete a few years back, and the several Pasadena events I attended. Chuck Schmidt thank you for those. I never made it to one of Dale's Rendezvous but did have the pleasure of meeting him a couple times when he came west. So this is just one of those things. I suspect many of you who are newer (than my last post) to the list are wondering who this whack job is - so think I'll move on to a bit of business.
I own this Hetchins Spyder,
I think Id like to sell it. Of course being out of touch with the market and looking at the economy, confess I dont know whats possible. So before Craig's List or (ugh) Ebay, thought I'd offer it to the list. $1500. plus shipping. Email me back or phone.
Thanks and cheers
Tom Rawson
Oakland, CA
510 653 7982