Re: [CR] problem

(Example: Framebuilders:Dario Pegoretti)

References: <>
Date: Fri, 11 Sep 2009 16:34:33 -0700
From: Kyle Brooks <>
To: Jay Dubiel <>, classicrendezvous <>
In-Reply-To: <>
Subject: Re: [CR] problem

When I try to connect to it, I keep getting "redirected" to some nonexistant website, then get an error message when explorer can't find the site I'm being redirected to.

Kyle Brooks Akron, OH

________________________________ From: Jay Dubiel <> To: classicrendezvous <> Sent: Friday, September 11, 2009 4:04:37 PM Subject: [CR] problem

When trying to connect to I get a Virus alert from my AV Program. Is anyone else having a problem?

Jay Dubiel
Halifax, VA USA