The whole Boulder L'Eroica thing sounded pretty fishy to begin with. Not that we are "in the loop", but something should have been heard. Nobody in the local vintage community was approached - not one person that I know of.
I contacted the gang at Vechio's (a well known very well conected shop), and they knew little of the event.
On the original releases (and on the event's web site), it was pretty obvious that the promoters wanted to remain rather unknown. Not a great way to run an event.
We did finally seem to figure out who was behind the event, and it appears to be someone who is well intentioned and who is always launching various bike businesses (and is great with PR), but doesn't seem to get much off the ground.
In theory, such an event would be great in Boulder. We have a great network of roads that would do the trick (but you'll be climbing!).
So maybe in the future they will get it together, but I'd be skeptical. I'd love to organize such an event myself, it would go along great with the theme of Rene Herse Bicycles. But my bandwidth is just too limited to even consider it now. But if I can think of some folks who are knowledgable in putting on such events, I'll drop some hints.
Mike Kone in Boulder, CO USA home of Rene Herse Bicycles Inc. and Boulder Bicycle
Since I posted the original announcement I thought I should send a follow-up. The event scheduled for October 4th has been cancelled. There has been some kind of acquisition of the event and the new folks are planning for an October 3, 2010 event...still in Boulder. Also the name has been changed to L'Eroica Boluder to Gruppo Bici L'Epoca. This all according to a press release I received.
Angel Garcia Long Valley, NJ
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