Greg's getting closer.
The key is balance if you wish tokeep your bike in control.
So, if you're hitting your bikes too hard, don't hit your wife if she
Hit ON her, take her out, enjoy some parallel up time, and get your bike
position back in balance.
Then you're back on track, in balance, and control the pole, because you're
in front.
Ted Ernst
Palos Verdes Estates
> Hi All,
> In my experience, the key is to build your inventory so that she can't
> keep up. If the basement is already full of bikes and stuff, then any new
> thing is easily hidden or blended it. If she does ask, simply chuckle and
> say, "That? That's been here forever. Way to go, that's a cool
> bike/frame/item, and I think you have an awesome eye for noticing
> quality."
> Oh yeah, also it's very handy if you and wife are roughly the same
> height. My beloved has had many many very nice bikes. She chose not to
> ride them, so I did. But they were hers all along. And in the all's fair
> department, she got her fair share of the dough when the sell-off came.
> Greg Overton
> remembering the good ole days, near
> Denver, Colorado
> Quoting jeff holt <>:
>> "Have you ever:
>> 1. requested the package NOT say anything about bikes on it
>> 2. had a frame sent to a trusted friends house
>> 3. kept a watchful eye for the delivery personnel
>> 4. used rationalizations about investments and value (to no effect)
>> 5. lied by telling her you can probably make some money at it"
>> 1) Yes
>> 2) No...but I've had plenty of stuff delivered to my office.
>> 3) Yes...& check the UPS/FedEx tracking website every 10 minutes.
>> 4 & 5) Yes to both, BUT she usually responds with something to the
>> effect that I better sell something
>> NOW because she wants to use the money for something frivolous like
>> food or rent.
>> Also, have your ever:
>> A) Hidden stuff in the basement, only to bring it out when your wife is
>> out of the house
>> picking up the monthly welfare check & food stamps?
>> B) Told your wife that you're changing your will to specify that your
>> NOS Campy NR grouppo goes to a fellow CR
>> devotee with the stipulation that it will be mounted on a 60's Cinelli?
>> C) Rec'd a nasty look from your wife when you suggest that instead of
>> going on a cruise for your 30th wedding
>> anniversary, that she might want to consider visiting Leesburg, VA the
>> first weekend of June.
>> Jeff Holt
>> West Deptford, NJ
>> USA