Re: [CR] Falcon San Remo

(Example: History:Norris Lockley)

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Date: Mon, 15 Mar 2010 07:59:54 -0400
From: "Ken Freeman" <>
To: Hugh Thornton <>
Cc: Classic Rendezvous <>
Subject: Re: [CR] Falcon San Remo

I guess Falcon didn't provide any catalogs before 1971? I bought one at Turin in Chicago in 1969, with straight 531, painted Nervex lugs, Weinmann rims and brakes, a Brooks B5 or B15, and Campy Gran Sport, and was hoping to see it. I recall Ernie and possibly Eddie on the seat tube, and chrome stuck on the downtube.

On Sun, Mar 14, 2010 at 8:27 PM, Hugh Thornton <>wrote:
> The San Remo Equipe certainly goes back to the early 1960s. The CR website
> carries a review of a 1962 version and I own a 1963 model which was an
> actual team bike, painted in black, with white head tube, all chrome fork,
> chrome headlugs and half chrome rear stays. That year, the team bikes were
> fitted with Huret gears. In 1964, they changed to Campagnolo, back to Huret
> in 1965 and then back to Campagnolo in 1966, where they stayed. I am not
> sure when the pale blue color came in on the team bikes, but I think it was
> c1966/7
> Hugh Thornton
> Cheshire, England
> --- On Sun, 14/3/10, <>
> wrote:
> From: <>
> Subject: [CR] Falcon San Remo
> To:
> Cc: ""tim Parker"" <>
> Date: Sunday, 14 March, 2010, 14:26
> Tim,
> I exchanged some emails with Nigel about Falcons around 2008. He emailed me
> with some suggestions for improving the piece on Falcons I had written that
> Sheldon graciously posted on his site.
> I hope he does respond as well, but from the description you provide this
> does sound like a San Remo, and likely the 76/276 model, because of the
> sloped Cinelli crown on the fork.
> I have been working over the problem of the model designations--and have
> come to the same conclusion as others--Falcon was not consistent, and they
> expanded the San Remo name to include lesser models as time went on. Marc
> Bulgier has the 1974 catalog posted where you can see this.
> Highest on the pecking order though, circa 1969-72 was the San Remo Equipe
> that was spec'd like the professional team's bikes (this you can see on CR
> site). Flattened full wrap-over seat stays, Cinelli crown, campagnolo
> dropouts and spearpoint lugs.
> (Earlier AFAIK the top end San Remo had a flat fork crown and a wrap-oever
> stay that was not flattened--and this stay treatment was continued on the
> later Olympic...) Typically, half chromed rear stays and full chrome fork.
> Team colors were powder(azure) blue, with white panels top tube and down
> tube with a script Falcon name in red. They looked much like the similar
> generation Holdsworth Professionals that also mirrored that team's pro
> bikes
> with the same panel top tube/down tube decals. That said, I have seen
> examples where the panelling is only on the down tube.
> Seat tube treatment was inconsistent(or at least I have not been able to
> discern a pattern if one existed). Some I have seen have had the foil
> panels
> (as were on the lesser models like the Olympic)as my 1969/70 276 did.
> Others
> I have seen had a white panel that matched the top and down tube. Under the
> seat tube was a second smaller white panel that had the maker's
> information.
> Rear stays had a brush script "Designed by Ernie Clements" applied--and
> this
> was more graceful than the one that appeared on the later Olympic models.
> Mine came with a contrasting head tube in what the Brits would call "red
> flam"--a rich red metallic. Others I have seen have not had the contrasting
> head tube.
> Mine as shipped had all Campagnolo including brakes seat tube, and bar end
> shifters, Clement tubulars (I think Ernie like d the idea that the name was
> the same), Campy hi-flange hubs, (? can't actually remember this) possibly
> Fiamme red label rims, and a Brooks pro saddle.
> The eBay seller Cyclomundo has replica decals including the "Designed by
> Ernie Clements" (for which I sent a few photos I had of surviving
> decals)and
> H. Lloyds also has had some.
> PM me if you want some pictures--I have at least one great shot of an
> earlier pristine San Remo that shows the decal placement quite well
> (although it is in flamboyant green), and several good shots of the
> original
> blue.
> Cheers,
> Dean Kernan
> Pomona, New York
> _______________________________________________
> _______________________________________________

Ken Freeman
Ann Arbor, MI USA