Had a couple requests for additional info about Texas Velo Roundup. The show venue is INSIDE and I feel that it is pretty secure. In my case, I will probably ride the least valuable bike I bring. Again, the site will be attended while we are riding!
It is an industrial building that has been converted to a high end art framing shop. Owner Randy Murphy was a customer of mine when I was in the bike biz, now he does all of the framing for our art collection. The show area is mostly used to show off art, and also gets rented out as a set for movies and commercials. All white, lots of wide open space, lots of natural light, very cool space!
Event will be rain or shine. If it is raining hard I might just hand out maps for the ride, I am a wimp about riding in the rain....
I have already been swamped with 6 RSVP's (and twice as many bikes!), so with over a month to go, I am betting this will be a bigger Roundup than last year....YEA!
Cheers from Dallas, TX, USA, Earth!
-Clyde "Roundup" Putman