David -
The seller has a 48-hour opportunity to accept/reject/counteroffer your offer. If your offer is unreasonably low, expect an outright rejection. I'm a long-time eBay seller who happily uses "Best Offer" if available when buying. I try to be reasonable and not low-ball, but certainly all of my offers are in my favor. I've never had an offer rejected, perhaps because I'm able to look at things from a seller's point of view, too. This feature is one of the best things that eBay has done in a while and helps, at least a little, to keep pricing a little more true to the market.
Tony Opperman
Williamsburg, Virginia USA
> Anyone familiar with how these work? Should I expect a response
> (accept/reject/counteroffer) or only silence if my offer is insultingly
> low?
> David Bean
> Arlington, MA USA
> beandk at are-see-enn dot com