Good morning
all this talk about early nagos is making me want to have mine refinished Any suggestions on who to send it out to?
It's had an assortment of brazeons added at some point - has the right details , 2 hole fork crown etc
I had every intention of doing this quite some time ago but got busy with other things
I know Joe bell or Ed Litton would be prime choices but from what I understand this would take some major time being as great as they are and I'm guessing full schedules
how about cycleart? Anyone else doing great work and having access to the decals.
Heading back from Portland, got to hang out with Jim Merz, visit vanilla,the new ubi and pick up a ton of new on & off topic gear.
Barry Scott something city Oregon. "sitting in the seven feathers casino diner , sober, and only down $5. - looks like I'm the only one !
Barry Scott
Vintage NOS Bicycle Parts