Re: [CR] 1970 hetchins Keyhole refurbishment

(Example: Framebuilding:Tubing)

From: "paccoastcycles" <>
To: "Anthony Taylor" <>, <>
References: <>
Date: Fri, 21 May 2010 08:12:16 -0700
Subject: Re: [CR] 1970 hetchins Keyhole refurbishment


Nice looking bike. For me, it's just that much more interesting than the extra curvy Hetchins by being more subtle.

I really liked the original color scheme, though that doesn't take away from your color preference. And it does look period. I really like the fluer de lis stripe/panels on the original paint job and may copy that on a bike some day.

Normally, the toothed washer for the front brake would be the first thing on the center bolt. In other words, it is to help secure the center bolt from rotating, once set.

Chuck Hoefer
Pacific Coast Cycles
Oceanside, California

----- Original Message -----
From: Anthony Taylor
Sent: Friday, May 21, 2010 6:42 AM
Subject: [CR] 1970 hetchins Keyhole refurbishment

> All,
> With all the traffic about frame refinishers lately, I thought I would
> share some pictures of my latest project.
> It is a 1970 Hetchins Keyhole model. I bought it on ebay about a year ago.
> It came from California. With the unique paint scheme, I had hoped to be
> able to ride it as-is, but when I got it I realised that was not going to
> be the case. I believe that the bike is original, because all the small
> parts appeared not to have been touched, but I have no way of proving it.
> However, my plan was to rebuild it with the compnents it came with.
> I stripped it down to the last fastener, and cleaned, polished, lubede and
> rebuilt all the components. I researched refinishers, and settled on
> Franklin Frame in Ohio. I chose the color scheme to compliment the
> compnents, and because I thought it was appropriate to the period.
> I must say, I could not be happer with the outcome. I finished it last
> week, and haven't had a chance to ride it yet. Can't wait!
> Pictures at
> My next project is a 1955 Hetchins EC refurbishment.
> I welcome your comments or questions.
> Tony Taylor
> Manchester NH
> _______________________________________________


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