Good evening all. The other day I spotted this wheel set on the San Francisco craigslist, and while I can't use them right now, it occurred to me that someone ellis on this list may have use for them. I work pretty close to this seller, so can assist with an inspection or shipping. Contact me off list if you want my help with this. As usual, I don't know the seller, and have not yet seen the wheels, just passing the info on.
Tom Harriman.
San Francisco, Ca.
From: To: Subject: 27' wolber super champion wheelset - $80 (richmond / seacliff) Date: Tue, 5 Jan 2010 20:36:55 -0800 has forwarded you this posting.
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27' wolber super champion wheelsetDate: 2010-01-02, 12:49PM
I've had these sitting around forever and would like them gone so make me an offer. They came on an older touring bike I bought but the drum brakes always confused me and I ended up swapping out the wheels to 700c. I've lost the small clamps that clamp to the frame but i don't imagine they would be too hard to find. $80 OBO. 27' wolber super champion rims( modele 58) sachs drum brake hubs front and rear 6 speed cassette( 13-32)
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