Re: [CR] WTB: Wolber Super Champion Mod. 58 27" 48 hole rims, Arai drum

(Example: Events)

Date: Mon, 11 Jan 2010 22:21:19 -0600
To: Tim Potter <>, <>
From: "Mark Stonich" <>
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Subject: Re: [CR] WTB: Wolber Super Champion Mod. 58 27" 48 hole rims, Arai drum

I have several of those rims, NOS but showing slight shop wear.

At 1/11/2010 10:57 PM -0500, Tim Potter wrote:
>I'm trying to rebuild a recently aquired '80 Assenmacher tandem
>which needs some better condition 27" 48-spoke rims on its old Phil
>Wood hubs. Would prefer Wolber Super Champion Mod. 58 27". Also
>looking to buy an Arai drum for the same. Will also consider a
>complete wheel set.
>Many thanks if you have any to offer,
>Tim Potter
>Coordinator/ Manager
>MSU Bikes Service Center
>B10 Bessey Hall/ Michigan St. University
>Along the N. River Trail, 300 ft. west of Farm Ln. Bridge
>E. Lansing, MI 48824-1033 USA
>Ph: 517/432-3400
>Fax: 517/432-2743
>"If old age is a shipwreck, cycling is a great way to avoid drowning."
>Raymond Poulidor "the Eternal Second"
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Mark Stonich;
     BikeSmith Design & Fabrication
       5349 Elliot Ave S. Minneapolis, Minnesota 55417 USA
            Ph. (612) 824-2372