... basic travel alert around alexandria, va. ... for those coming from north of here!!!
... on any day now, and always on friday ... vehicle traffic starts to back up in maryland a few miles from the woodrow wilson bridge (to get into virginia). after that it's usually a crawl to the 95 south exit to richmond. there's also more vehicle traffic coming across the american legion memorial bridge (the other way to get in virginia) ... so there's another feeder trying to get south. enter those parking lots with a full tank of gasoline, etc.
... "traffic engineering" is a superbe oxymoron. anyway there's really no such thing as a "rush hour" anymore around these parts. basically the same on the weekdays too.
... for the lucky few "spawners" that make it through the challenge though ... here's a nice reward :) barely just north of richmond, have a repast and then load up on bbq takeout for later.
robert clair
alexandria, va