The gold and white Raleigh Pro has been on local Craigslist for at least a week or two, I think. When I first saw it, I thought perhaps the ad was not legit and would soon disappear. Seeing that it stayed up, I was planning to out it to the CR list just in case someone out there had been looking for this particular bike since 1971 or something, and falling back to my comment on the recent $7k Colnago, that Raleigh is worth whatever a buyer is willing to pay. I know little about Raleigh Pros, although I did own a mid 70's blue and silver one once, and it was a terrific bike. I hope someone on this list is the buyer of the gold one, and both buyer and seller are happy. As they say - it's not a good deal unless both sides are happy.
Greg Overton Denver, Colorado
> after a brief colloque with the seller of the craigslist raleigh
> pro, he informed me he has a buyer. Whether it's a buyer at 5
> grand, I don't know, he wouldn't say. But he did think his bike was
> worth 5 grand.
> This must mean that this circa 1960 Masi Special I have in
> all-original paint and original parts is probably worth 10 grand,
> right? And a clean original confente is worth at least 15 grand.
> And whoever got Alex's chromed Rene Herse Randonneuse on ebay
> recently for 3 grand got the bargain of the century
> (in all seriousness, that WAS a bargain. I missed it because Alex
> put it up as a *r herse* rather than Rene Herse. I'd have tried for
> that one)
> <sigh> gotta love this game. Vastly entertaining sometimes.
> Charles Andrews
> Los Angeles