Mechanical dial calipers calipers are such a technical improvement over archaic vernier calipers that they're comparable to when humans switched from stone to metal tools!
I gave up on trying to accurately guess readings with vernier calipers 35 years ago! I bought a set of dial calipers as soon as I could afford them so I guess that makes them on topic...
These days, you can get a pair of digital calipers much cheaper than most mechanical dial calipers.
Accuracy is in the eye of the beholder! ;-)
Chas. "4 Eyes" Colerich Oakland, CA USA
Bob Freitas wrote:
> Chris was making the point that a regular non digital caliper is just
> as accurate as a digital one without the issues of dead battery etc.....
> With my glasses off I can read a standard Caliper to .1mm(1/10 of a MM)
> while I must resort to my glasses to read to .01MM (1/100 of a MM)
> Plus a regular caliper is on topic while a digital one may not be