Re: [CR] help identifying this 1960's italian frame

(Example: Framebuilders)

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Date: Sun, 28 Feb 2010 23:12:44 -0800
From: "j" <>
To: Peter Jourdain <>
Cc: Classic Rendezvous <>
Subject: Re: [CR] help identifying this 1960's italian frame

Peter - I agree with you. The only thing telling me this isn't an Olmo is the orientation of the screw holes for the headbadge - I have yet to see any 50's/60's Olmo with the screw holes oriented horizontally.

David San Francisco, Ca USA

On Sun, Feb 28, 2010 at 11:01 PM, Peter Jourdain <>wrote:
> Greetings---
> Andrei makes a good point. I agree that, because of the seat tube collar,
> the odds are definitely with Olmo. Those branded seat collars, and often
> matching branded headsets, were made by Magistroni and supplied to various
> Italian marques of the era (Olmo, Ideor, Girardengo, etc.).
> But in the back of your head you should keep in your universe of
> possibilities the slight chance that somebody could have simply had an
> Olmo-branded collar hanging about and used it on a non-Olmo frame which was
> missing its own. That type of seat collar was typical for the era and I have
> seen them "swapped out" onto differently-branded bikes before. Their very
> nature makes them not all that difficult to lose, once you've loosened them
> to take out the seat post. I temporarily lost the one on my Ideor when I was
> working on the build for the bike. Not a high percentage bet, but if you
> really want to play Sherlock Holmes it can't yet be eliminated, my dear
> Watson.
> Peter Jourdain
> Whitewater, Wisconsin USA
> --- On Sun, 2/28/10, coel canth <> wrote:
> [edit]
> > does the seat collar say OLMO ?
> > there's probably a good chance it's original to the bike
> >
> > andrei padlowski
> > brooklyn, ny
> >
> [edit]
> > >
> > At the time I purchased this frame, I was told it was an
> > Olmo from the
> > 1960's. However, as you can see from the photos, there were
> > no decals, no
> > original paint, no headbadge. As Olmo's typically have a
> > headbadge that
> > attaches with a top and bottom screw rather than a
> > left/right like this, I
> > tend to think that it isn't an Olmo. Any ideas???
> >
> > Photos - click this link:
> >
> >
> > Thanks -
> > David
> > San Francisco, Ca