Re: [CR] 1970's Pinarello - photos requested

(Example: Framebuilders:Bernard Carré)

From: "Roman Stankus" <>
To: <>, <>
Date: Sun, 7 Feb 2010 22:17:33 -0500
In-Reply-To: <>
Thread-Index: AcqoZ4Ro6QSCITbgSqq3HhUT84W1ewABDUwA
Subject: Re: [CR] 1970's Pinarello - photos requested

Mark, Thanks for sharing that picture. Wow - that is fast!!! That picture is very interesting in that the graphics on that bike look like they might be more contemporary/sans serrif type lettering as best I can tell. Maybe just the angle? Looks like there are also vertical Pinarello graphics on the seat tube - limited visibility on that. Lovely bike. I love the bend on the fork blades.

Roman L Stankus Atlanta, Georgia USA


From: [] Sent: Sunday, February 07, 2010 9:36 PM To:; Subject: 1970's Pinarello - photos requested

Hi Roman, Well, I didn't want to post this just yet, but it would be unconscionable to let your plea go unanswered. Here is large scan (thanks to Brook Watts for loaning me the book it came from) of Norwegian Knut Knudson winning the Pisa to Salsomaggiore time trial stage of the 1977 Giro d'Italia, astride a lovely, yet stock looking Pinarello ... sans any drilled, milled, or reduced parts. Pinarello did well with Indurain (off topic) in time trials, but this shows he was not their first. Knudson covered the 25 kilometer course at an average speed of 48.55 kpm (30.34 mph).

Ciao, Mark Agree Southfield MI USA ~ ~ ~

Date: Sun, 7 Feb 2010 19:25:05 -0500

From: "Roman Stankus" <>

Subject: [CR] FW: 2-speed Pinarello/my 70's Pinarello Special

Well, to folow up with the original auction, the ebay seller would not

provide additional photos of any of the key frame details and was not

pleased with me questioning the veracity of his claim about his auction

being an authentic NOS '77 frame. He did say I could come over and see the

frame - but time does not allow.

To add some perspective to the auction, I have uploaded photos of my

Pinarello Special that I believe by deductive reasoning to be in the '75 -

'78 range perhaps. I would love any input from anyone who has any knowledge

of Pinarello's from that time frame or could add more to the discussion. I

haven'r seen any others from that timeframe - does anyone else have one of

these beasts? See pictures at

Sorry for all the advertising clutter on webshots - but it's free to me.

There are many very nice details on this frame and it rides like a champ.

Some of the features of the frame:

No TT braze cable braze-ons

Over the BB cable guides

Non-investment cast BB

Nicely filed long point lugs

Short campy rear dropouts

Recessed short reach brakes

Foil seat tube decals - these were going out of vogue by the mid '70's

DT decals are mostly gone but were originally gold with black outlining -

never seen that before.

Heart shaped cutouts in the rear brake bridge reinforcements

Heart shaped cutout in the front derailleur cable guide

Engraved seat stay caps and fork crown

Clove cutout in DT/HT lug

This frame came to me with only BB and headset and is fair to good

condition. The main problem is that it has some salt that has gotten under

the paint of the TT - however it does seems stable. The rest of the paint

while scratched is fine and the overall impression is still very nice. I hav

no idea if these bikes came as frames and/or full bikes.

Even though the finishes are compromised, I've been reluctant to refinish

the bike as I've never seen another like it and it has some history that

seems worth preserving. I love to ride her though!

Any other thhoughts?

BTW, I've also uploaded some pics of a nice 3Rensho - lots of cool

proprietary parts and details on that frame and another one of my favorite


Colts 10, Saints 3 so far.

Roman L Stankus

Atlanta, Georgia USA

-----Original Message-----


[ <> ] On Behalf Of Roman Stankus

Sent: Thursday, February 04, 2010 9:26 PM

To: 'George Allen'; 'classicrendezvous'

Subject: Re: [CR] 2-speed Pinarello

What is it about that frame that looks like a Pinarello?

Graphics (DT) don't look right? No head tube badge. No pics of any of the

signature Pinarello details from the period.

Guy says he bought it 3 years ago NOS and states it's a '77 - how is that


I have a mid - 70's Pinarello and am always on the lookout for early models

- you just don't see them very often. Would love to see others from that

time period that we know are authentic - this one I have my doubts about

based on what I know - but I would love to know if this could really be the

real thing. Apparently this bike is local to me - maybe I can get some more

pics of the lugs/crown/stay caps etc.

Roman L Stankus

Atlanta, Georgia USA

> -----Original Message-----

> From:

> [ <> ] On Behalf Of George

> Allen

> Sent: Thursday, February 04, 2010 5:06 PM

> To: classicrendezvous

> Subject: [CR] 2-speed Pinarello


> I guess the frame is on-topic. That's a high-dollar derailleur to

> shift

> 2 gears.



> tiny URL:

> Ebay Item #: 250560878876*


> *George Allen

> Lexington, Ky*

> *USA*