I, too, find a growing number of postings in my spam folder on Yahoo. I have taken to going there first, highlighting everything with a CR in the header, then marking "not spam". I have no way of knowing how many are not getting through.
Tony Taylor Manchester NH
To: Sent: Thu, February 11, 2010 10:29:45 PM Subject: [CR] Yahoo kicks off CR members, part 2
Steve Whitting, "The Ciocc Cat," wrote that he's getting his CR messages but that some end up in his Spam folder.
I used to be in that category, but over the last months more and more messages have gone a-missing, and, when I check the CR Archives, it seems like the missing messages are always for stuff I want to buy!
Now, even worse---what messages I DO get arrive about a day late. I'm having to keep the CR Archive page permanently loaded in order to view contributions in a timely manner (a trick I learned early on from Chuck Schmidt---Thanks, Chuck!). if things don't improve I guess I'll have to ditch Yahoo! mail.
Peter Jourdain
Whitewater, Wisconsin USA