[CR] Mexican Unicanitor, Windsor, Benotto and Mexico City Velodrome

(Example: Framebuilders:Rene Herse)

Date: Sat, 20 Feb 2010 07:07:52 -0800
From: "Harry Schwartzman" <harryschwartzman@yahoo.com>
To: Classic Rendezvous <classicrendezvous@bikelist.org>
Cc: otis@otisrecords.com
Subject: [CR] Mexican Unicanitor, Windsor, Benotto and Mexico City Velodrome


My Windsor Touring Pro (ha ha) frame purchased from listmemeber Ken Toda came with that exact saddle, branded 'Windsor. Molded into the plastic base is 'Lambertini' and 'Made in Mexico'. Feels like a Unicanitor, which is why I no longer ride it, though the frame is getting flogged on the streets of New York. Saddle is well made in the manner of classic Italian saddles, no corners cut as far as I can see.

Pics here: http://lh6.ggpht.com/_eX44q3c2KOA/S3_2tSUFpWI/AAAAAAAAMzA/JmKMJ1HZVio/s640/SDC13573.JPG http://lh5.ggpht.com/_eX44q3c2KOA/S3_2vOkthuI/AAAAAAAAMzk/kaETEofh5O8/s512/SDC13574.JPG http://lh5.ggpht.com/_eX44q3c2KOA/S3_3P-kCGDI/AAAAAAAAMzg/ctY1YKUftnQ/s640/SDC13576.JPG

On a related note, I've returned from Mexico City with not much on-topic to report. I went to the Velodromo Augustin Melgar where Moser set the hour, but it was closed. I couldn't even bribe the gatekeeper, so I managed to find a hole in the fence and got a few mediocre pictures. I know other listmembers have had better luck than me.

Velodrome Pics: http://lh4.ggpht.com/_eX44q3c2KOA/S3qis56WXrI/AAAAAAAAMHg/pEK5zSXn6tM/s640/SDC13509.JPG http://lh3.ggpht.com/_eX44q3c2KOA/S3qit8aVXbI/AAAAAAAAMHk/aWcpOSPpCEc/s640/SDC13510.JPG http://lh5.ggpht.com/_eX44q3c2KOA/S3qiut6syVI/AAAAAAAAMHo/OetcdIcd81s/s640/SDC13511.JPG http://lh5.ggpht.com/_eX44q3c2KOA/S3qi1S4BaYI/AAAAAAAAMIE/s_jya2TkcRU/s640/SDC13517.JPG http://lh6.ggpht.com/_eX44q3c2KOA/S3qi2ftiymI/AAAAAAAAMII/lgauiHbCsPI/s640/SDC13518.JPG

Here's a current Benotto, these bikes were very popular on the streets with turn of the century style double top-tubes and cottered cranks. This example is slightly upgraded from the norm, with an Aluminum (?) frame and cotterless crank. Fully Loaded, if you will. : http://lh4.ggpht.com/_eX44q3c2KOA/S3qhzLQJJBI/AAAAAAAAMEk/58-J-1PSLZ4/s640/SDC13459.JPG

Mexico City is beautiful and magical and, if you get a chance, I recommend a visit!

Harry Schwartzman
Brooklyn, NY