In the very recent past there was some conversation biting around the subject of restoration, "unrestored" and recreated to present as original. A few over a longer period have mentioned setting a bike up for a concours level of restoration.
In a review of bike shows on the CR website, I find three, probably two of which focus or have a Vintage Lightweight category or categories.
The Cirque and Lars Anderson in the United States, hardly much depth. I could expand into Europe, as I think L'Eroica has a show along with the ride, but I have little information of European events.
Spending time and effort for a "concours" restoration or even just a show is a pretty thin plan. So, why all the fuss if it is just for personal satisfaction or the pleasure of showing chums on a local vintage group ride when the events are not there?
John Jorgensen
Torrance CA USA