Re: [CR] Eisentraut Serial Number Dating

(Example: Racing:Roger de Vlaeminck)

From: <"">
Date: Sat, 6 Mar 2010 19:23:20 GMT
Subject: Re: [CR] Eisentraut Serial Number Dating


I purchased the Eisentraut "A" frame I bought in 1972 from the Missing Link Bike Shop, there in Berkeley. I saw the frame there as I made one of those early trips to Mecca (Velo Sport Bike Shop) from where I lived in Huntington Beach, CA. I think I was still riding my PX-10. Yeah, about 5 or 6 of us rode there from Huntington Beach. Velo Sport was the closest place to see a Colnago in the flesh.

Brian Baylis La Mesa, CA Ah those were the days. Nary a Colnago within 500 miles of you. Now days you can't swing a dead cat around without hitting a place where you can buy a Colnago. Not that there's anything wrong with that; my hat is off to Ernesto, who is a VERY energetic and likable chap.

---------- Original Message ----------
From: Jim Ready
Subject: Re: [CR] Eisentraut Serial Number Dating
Date: Sat, 06 Mar 2010 10:47:12 -0800

Here's some additional info on my 72 Eisentraut:

This is taken directly from the Missing Link warranty card the came with the frame. Missing Link was a student owned bike shop on the UC Berkeley campus near Sproul Plaza.

Make: Eisentraut Model: M Racing 74 degree head angle 73 degree seat angle Frame #: E020272 Color: Bronze Casting / Blue Size: 62cm/24.4" (That's a center to top measurement although Eisentraut measured center to center. In his class be said that's the only accurate way to measure) Price: $240.00 frame, multi-color paint, fork, Campy Headset Date sold: August 6 1972 by Max Sheppard, the manager. Max later built up an all black Eisentraut with all the Campy NR components anodized black. I wonder where that bike is now.

Jim Ready Cupertino, CA USA

From: <>
Sent: Saturday, March 06, 2010 9:34 AM
To: <>
Cc: <>; <>;
Subject: Re: [CR] Eisentraut Serial Number Dating



> Bill,


> Now that there is GOOD information, folks!


> Brian Baylis

> La Mesa, CA



> ---------- Original Message ----------

> From: Bill Kloos <>

> To: "" <>

> Cc: Bill Kloos <>, Tom Sanders

> <>

> Subject: [CR] Eisentraut Serial Number Dating

> Date: Sat, 6 Mar 2010 11:29:34 -0500


> Tom:


> Ed Litton is repainting my "A" model Eisentraut and removing some

> aftermarket brazeons while he is at it. Ed was a partner of AE for some

> years. The SN on my bike (on the BB and on the steerer tube in way too

> small numbers is: E130475. Ed Litton translated this SN for me as the

> 13th frame built in April of 1975.


> Bill Kloos

> Eugene Oregon



> ------------------------------


> Message: 2

> Date: Sat, 6 Mar 2010 08:27:49 -0500

> From: "Tom Sanders" <>

> Subject: [CR] Dating Eisentraut bikes

> To: <>

> Message-ID: <003c01cabd30$d1822e50$74868af0$@com>

> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"


> Seriously folks, can someone offer a few tips on Dating these venerated

> bikes? I have always heard there is no help from the builder available.

> I have owned one that was used by a famous female racer (In Mr. Baylis'

> possession now, I believe) and am closing in on another nice one, and have

> watched them for years and I haven't a clue as to how to date them. I

> take it the Rainbow Trout and Limited are somewhat later than some(

> Apparently his statement that if they have the Eisentraut name on them

> they came from his shop or family was before the advent of the Limited

> model?) ? Anyone able to shed some light on this? Did Eisentraut use

> that distinctive A Model seat post cluster treatment from an early time?

> Has his lug style changed at some point over the years? Why might one

> before a specific date be more desirable than a later one? Anything else

> I should be asking?


> Tom Sanders


> Curious in Lansing, MI USA




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