Folks putting what they want on their bikes is older than I...
Robert Shackelford San Jose, CA USA
Quoting "earle.young" <>:
> This recently ended auction on eBay featured what appeared to be a nice
> Mercian frame with original paint, and some weird crap for parts:
> 360244300315.
> There were two bidders, the second one a sniper in the last seconds of the
> auction, and the bike went for $510. I think the bare frame would have gone
> for more than that.
> It was the same with the Marinoni Leggero I bought late last year for $425
> delivered. It's a very nice frame that was built up with worn, obsolete,
> second tier parts.
> Has anybody else noticed this phenomenon?
> Earle Young
> Madison, Wisconsin
> Offering expert wheelbuilding services for classic and modern bicycles
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