Re: [CR] Alex Singer - and Rohloff

(Example: Framebuilders:Bernard Carré)

Date: Mon, 29 Mar 2010 19:53:32 +0100
From: "Dirk Feeken" <>
To: Classic Rendezvous Mailing List <>
Thread-Topic: Alex Singer - and Rohloff
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Subject: Re: [CR] Alex Singer - and Rohloff

Jean Marie,

I wouldn¹t order an Alex Singer with a Rohloff internal gear hub. This hub requires special drop outs, special parts, cable routing and Rohloff know how, if the result has to be an integrated constructeur bike and I doubt that the Singer shop has this kind of special Rohloff-experience. The Rohloff hub is quite famous here in Germany among ³serious everyday cyclists² and the German high end frame builders know how to built Rohloff bikes, probably the best is Rudolf Pallesen with his Norwid bikes For example He¹s not only a KOF but has an almost "modern Herse" like approach if it comes to construct an integrated bicycle with generator, gear hubs, first class light systems, internal cables, a lot of special parts, excellent workmanship, the combination of a Rohloff hub with randonneur bars (which is not foreseen by Rohloff) etcŠ etc.. His speciality are lugged stainless steel frames which last for eternity and are real workhorses for decades of everyday use. Another comparable tiny german manufacturer with a bit more French appeal is Guylaine who is famous for randonneurs but have also built a lot of Rohloff equipped bikes.

If you really want an Alex Singer follow Oliviers recommendation, but if you want the best Rohloff equipped bike go for a Norwid.

Dirk (An Alex Singer, a Norwid and a Guylaine in his stable, using his Guylaine for 20 years daily)

Dirk Feeken