Today, on yet another wintery Sunday, (so fed up with this weather - it was the start of the randonneuring season today in Germany, but with snow and black ice on the roads this morning riding was just too dangerous) I managed to fit the Hetchins frame I´ve had for nearly twenty years with the Sturmey hub.
I don´t know yet if the wing nuts will keep the hub in place, but if needs be I can always put a chain tensioner from a three speed utility bike in. Also finding the chainline was an adventure; experimenting with all sorts of bits and bobs for the bb took hours. There´s parts from three makers now in the bb.
Photos, as usual taken by my son, can be seen on
Has anyone already any experience with the hub? Any mistakes to be avoided, beyond what a Sturmey user of nearly thirty years should know?
My ususal two remarks: One, none of the bikes in my wooly gallery is currently for sale, and two, please don´t e-mail any pictures or scans; I use dial up steam internet.
Regards, Toni Theilmeier, Belm, Germany.