Re: [CR] 1971, a slice in biking memory

(Example: Events:Cirque du Cyclisme)

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Date: Tue, 9 Mar 2010 07:17:40 -0500
From: "Ken Freeman" <>
To: Hon Lee <>
Subject: Re: [CR] 1971, a slice in biking memory

One of my first good bikes, bought in 1970, was a Rossignoli (Cicli Rossignoli of Milano, Italia), now to be described as a factory Frankenbike. It was an early '60s-style frame, with long chainstays and very comfortable angles. Mixed or at least unlabeled tubeset, Campy fork ends and frame dropouts, Campy Record shift system (yes, pre-Nuovo), a steel cottered three pin FN crank with Magistroni BB, Sheffield pedals, Campy Record hubs, Nisi tubular rims (28 front/32 rear), a TTT stem (the 7mm bolt), a Nitor seatpost, and a Brooks Pro. The brakes were Weinmann sidepull, short (500) in the front and medium (610) in the back. I must have liked that bike, if I remember it so well. Sadly, it was stolen.

On Mon, Mar 8, 2010 at 9:27 PM, Hon Lee <> wrote:
> I had finally received, built-up and rode the Alex Singer that had been on
> order from Cupertino Bike Shop for almost a year, using the Cinelli
> bivalents with Nisi rims that Sugden and Lynch was selling by the bunch.
> Alas, whilst repairing my sewups, Campaniato del Mundos by the way, the
> needle pierced the thimble and my digit suffered mightily. Oboy, I thought,
> this ain't good, especially for the intended trip all the way down the Pan
> American Highway, so I decided on touring high pressure tires. The practice
> in 1971 was to forego the 27 inch wheel, which was unbiquitous in the USA,
> and in the hinterlands of places like Stockton with its Schwinn monopoly,
> the only racing or touring tire available; instead, for international
> touring, the tire and wheel of choice for high pressure tires was the 700C.
> When I wandered into my local LBS after almost 35 years I was astounded to
> discover that 27 inch wheels had disappeared and 700C had become the
> standard.
> As to short reach and long reach brakes, in 1970 as I fitted out a Masi I
> had purchased from Sugden and Lynch, I discovered all the boxed brake sets
> from Universal included the short reach front and long reach rear calipers.
> The Masi required short reach front and rear brakes. S&L accommodated their
> customers by ordering loads of short reach calipers. When the Campagnolo
> brakesets first arrived, they came with short reach calipers front and rear.
> Hon Lee
> Stockton, CA, champions of the obese making us Numero Uno for tubs
> _______________________________________________

Ken Freeman
Ann Arbor, MI USA