Re: [CR] NOS never opened Sedisport delta chains for listmembers

(Example: Component Manufacturers)

From: <>
Date: Sun, 14 Mar 2010 21:15:15 EDT
Subject: Re: [CR] NOS never opened Sedisport delta chains for listmembers

i believe they were marketed for the bike riding creoles in and about new orleans ..hence the delta designation..(just kidding) .i believe they are black chains i scored one on the bob-list for 15 shipped ,,,i ruined the little box when the liquid wrench tipped over in the cardboard treasure chest and soaked it....the whole mess is in a plastic lined bubble mailer...that nice smell doesn't grow on you....if 116 links their major value to me is to open the package and fit them around a 6-7 spd freewheel ..if Gold !!!!!!! i can do about 22.50 ...kmc made a rather nice goldtone 7 spd chain that my merckx is rocking rather nicely though a sporty sedis chain at a reasonable price is always appreciated ,,,the kmc is 18.00 right at the counter of one of local lbs' ...kevin ruberg howell nj. its still raining aaagh!!!!!!!!!!! (and i am still temporarily banned from the bike but a little sunshine would be welcome...take care)

In a message dated 3/14/2010 8:10:24 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, writes:

I have two packages of NOS never opened Sedisport chains in my possession that I would like to make available to list members. I can not describe the chains nor give them a price at this point because they are in individual closed packages that can not be opened without destroying some of their value. The packages are flat orange with Sedis Sedisport Delta written on one side 912.7 mm X 2.38mm - 1/2 x 3/32 made in France. On the other side are three diagonal orange and white stripes with instructions on how to use in French and English. The only other markings are 116 links. The package measure about 2 1/2 inches by 7 inches. Are these gold or silver? Pictures of the pachage only available on request. I am not fishing for a high price but am trying to determine what these are before I list them for sale on the list with a solid price.

Garth Libre in Miami Fl USA

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