Hi, my name is John Eden. I have joined Classic Rendezvous, because when you're right you're right. My bikes come under the title, Keeper of the Flame. They can be seen here http://frankenfricgallery.blogspot.com/
I am in great need of a classic bicycle or frame. I am drawn to Eddy's and Pinarellos, but am open to other marques. I know SLX arrived after '83 but that is my favourite tubing that I have tried. I have also a great interest in trying a 753 frame, preferably a Raleigh. My preferred size is 59ctc seat tube by 58cm ctc toptube frame. I noticed one just a tad too small for me on the list the other day. I would like a frame from the period when frames were built with 126mm rear spacing. I live in Perth Australia these days, but hail from the north west of England. You can email me here:
flyingporkpies@hotmail.com Thank you.