On Sun, Mar 21, 2010 at 12:26 PM, Dale B. Phelps
<losgatos_dale@yahoo.com> wrote:
> 3) The knowledgeable market is below the radar, more than ever before. Wonder why that is?
> 4) Certainly many knowledgable that have remained on CR have become more "off-list" in their correspondence and sharing. Wonder why THAT is?? -sigh-
My own theory is that knowledge can be useful to beat other people when buying and selling goods so it is guarded like money would be. When a unique tell for Confente seat clusters for instance was hinted at on this list and I asked about it I only received off-list replies.
Speculators in these goods have strong financial incentives not to have useful uncommon knowledge spread. They are better served by either silence or even disinformation, and I'm not sure they are thus likely to serve either the interests of this list or its members.
Kurt Sperry
Bellingham, Washington