Re: [CR] Fork to frame holders (was: Parting out one's toilet...)

(Example: Racing:Jacques Boyer)

Date: Sat, 06 Mar 2010 09:14:59 -0700
From: <>
References: <>
In-Reply-To: <>
Subject: Re: [CR] Fork to frame holders (was: Parting out one's toilet...)

In my shops, we cut one inch lengths off old MTB grips. They fit snugly over the steerer tube and as Mark said, slide one down to the crown and one above the frame once the fork is inserted. They fit nice and tight, and the fork will stay put while all paint, chrome etc is protected. And it was free - at least in the shops, we had a plentiful supply of old grips, and one set of grips would proved fork rubbers for quite a few frames.

Greg Overton Denver, Colorado

> Well, with just a big zip tie, you would have paint rubbing on paint,
> which is something I try to avoid. A soft separator, both above AND
> below the
> head tube, is what I find to be the best for my worried soul. :)
> Ciao,
> Mark Agree
> Southfield MI USA
> ~ ~ ~
> Date: Sat, 6 Mar 2010 13:06:15 +0000
> From: Neil Foddering <>
> Subject: Re: [CR] Parting out one's toilet for the greater good of
> cycling
> If you want to use something which can be discussed in decent society, try
> cable zip ties - they're cheap and effective. Just slip the steerer into
> the forks, and tighten the tie around the threaded part of the steerer, and
> it will stop the forks dropping out. Or is that not hip enough?
> emZ120536658589QQcmdZViewItemQQptZLH_DefaultDomain_0?hash=item1c108b729d
> Neil Foddering
> Weymouth, Dorset, England
>> Date: Fri, 5 Mar 2010 19:42:15 -0800
>> From:
>> To:;
>> Subject: Re: [CR] Parting out one's toilet for the greater good of
> cycling
>> I discovered that a few years ago, Tom. Ball Cock Shank Washer -
> sounds like something one shouldn't discuss in polite society :-)
>> Regards,
>> Jerry Moos
>> Tuscaloosa. Alabama, USA
>> --- On Fri, 3/5/10, Tom Sanders <> wrote:
>> From: Tom Sanders <>
>> Subject: [CR] Parting out one's toilet for the greater good of cycling
>> To:
>> Date: Friday, March 5, 2010, 4:29 PM
>> For years I have admired those little rubber thingies that some hip bike
>> shop use to keep a fork in place in a frame when a headset is not
> present.
>> For years I just assumed they were some arcane part of the lore of the
> bike
>> business that us lesser mortals were, perhaps because of some lack in our
>> make ups , to be denied access to. Imagine my excitement when today I
>> learned that these magnificent little rubber thingies have a proper name.
>> They are properly called a 1" ball cock shank washer! I rushed to
> E-Mail
>> some friends with this precious little nugget of information. Bob Hovey
>> told me they have them at Home Depot and there's one in my toilet. I
> rushed
>> to the Amazon site where I learned they could be had for $.96, alas, the
>> shipping was $6.95, however! My suggestion to my wife of four plus
> decades
>> that we could part out the two toilets for the good of my bike collection
>> was met with such a steely stare that I realized that a fifth decade
> might
>> be in jeopardy if my madness drove me that far.
>> Drat! I can foresee another sleepless night while I burn to get away to
>> Home Depot first thing in the morning.
>> Imagine the nerve of the woman, suggesting that with Spring in the near
>> future I was getting compulsive about bikes all over again!
>> Tom Sanders
>> Lansing, MI USA