Just found the email below in my inbox.
What a sad day.
I have just learned that Tom Milton, the man behind Selle
An-Atomica saddles, died yesterday, apparently of heart-related
causes, while riding the Devil Mountain Double. Another rider on the
Devil Mtn Double who rode some distance with Tom yesterday wrote an
account of the day on his blog. Here's the link:
I'm sure many of you on this list did business with Tom over the years. Our hearts go out to his family and loved ones.
Beth Annon - Lovering B & L Bike Shop 610 3rd Street Davis, CA 95616 http://www.blbikeshop.com beth@blbikeshop.com <beth%40blbikeshop.com> 530-756-3540
NBDA - Bikes Belong - League of American Bicyclists - Davis Downtown Business Association - Yolo TMA