[CR] Alpine and CID

(Example: Production Builders:Frejus)

Date: Tue, 27 Apr 2010 14:50:56 -0400
From: "Wayne Bingham" <veloclassique@gmail.com>
To: classicrendezvous@bikelist.org
Subject: [CR] Alpine and CID

I don't have time to go into detail at the moment, and this info is in the archives as well, but wanted to respond to Derek's inquiry since he's a relatively new member. My memory is also a bit sketchy too, but.....CID is short for Custom Import & Design, a "rebadge" name applied to bikes, most MKM but maybe other British, by Georgetown Cycle Sport in Washington DC. This is probably in the early to mid 70's or so. The Alpine name was used pretty much in the same way initially, but eventually was used on custom frames built by Fred Kelly and Omar Khiel, I think, in Rockville MD. That's where the story gets a bit convoluted, depending on who is telling it. That's a capsulized version, of course, which is all I can manage at the moment.


-- Wayne Bingham Velo Classique PO Box 2069 Purcellville, VA 20134 USA 540-338-8376 http://www.veloclassique.com

On Tue, Apr 27, 2010 at 1:16 PM, Derek Athey <devondirect@googlemail.com> wrote:
> Hi all
> I recently cleared out my surplus, mainly British, frame builders transfers
> on eBay. Amongst those I found were some US names I am not familiar with,
> and wonder if anyone might be interested in them for a refurb.
> I have -
> 1 x head/seat Alpine Cycles Washington DC
> 1 x down tube Alpine name in block captial letters
> 1 x C.I.D. head/seat transfers in a diamond lozenge shape with C.I.D crosing
> both vertically and horizontally
> 1 x C.I.D. down tube transfer in outline capital letters with a horizontal
> triangle both before, and after the letters.
> I cannot state the colours as these are all varnsih fix and I cannot see
> through the backing paper. Having said that, I can see that the Alpine head
> transfer if predominantly a white cross out of a red background.
> Are these of interest to anyone with these makes? It would be nice even if
> not, that someone could tell me a little about the makers and likely age. I
> have asked numerous people here in the UK and have got no response!
> Thanks
> Derek Athey
> Honiton, Devon UK