Re: [CR] 1947 Holdsworth Cyclcone decals

(Example: Racing)

In-Reply-To: <54744D02B6064F7B95233071684AA614@BiggerG>
References: <54744D02B6064F7B95233071684AA614@BiggerG>
Date: Wed, 28 Apr 2010 09:29:44 +0100
From: "Derek Athey" <>
Subject: Re: [CR] 1947 Holdsworth Cyclcone decals

Hello Giles

I have read Peter Browns reply to your question. However, he assumes you may know of H Lloyd Cycles web site and range of transfer already, by quoting the reference nos. If you are not familiar, then go to and click on the 'links' on the index on the left hand side of home page, you will then find H Lloyd Cycles huge array of offerings and see the Holdsworth selection he has using Peter Brown quoted reference numbers.

Good luck. If you need any further help in identification, contact me off-list and I will find a catalogue copy which will give you a guide as to style for the period.

Regards Derek Athey Honiton, Devon UK

On Tue, Apr 27, 2010 at 11:23 PM, Giles O'Bryen <>wrote:
> Hi there, can anyone tell me what decals should go on a 1947 Holdsworth
> Cyclone I am having re-enamelled? Or better still, point me to a photo?
> Many thanks.
> Giles O'Bryen
> London, UK