Re: [CR] Classic Rendezvous email list rules violation

(Example: Humor:John Pergolizzi)

References: <> <473832073C0F46CEB48835FC9A20C4C3@0mkj2zzd441ennq>
Date: Wed, 28 Apr 2010 13:42:28 -0400
In-Reply-To: <473832073C0F46CEB48835FC9A20C4C3@0mkj2zzd441ennq>
From: <>
Subject: Re: [CR] Classic Rendezvous email list rules violation

Hi Greg:

Well congratulations, you are the first person to break our email list rules AND attach those rules in that very message! Ha ha!

PLEASE read the rules again so I don't have top kick you off.

Thanks, Dale List meister

Dale Brown Greensboro, North Carolina USA

-----Original Message----- From: kent munro <> To: Sent: Wed, Apr 28, 2010 12:22 pm Subject: [CR] new memberwith vintage bike

Hello to all;

In trhe early 80's I purchased a used Italian road bike , was told it was close to twenty years old, it has no markings other than a serial number TC 8548 located directly below the seat post , the frame was dipped in a chrome bath, the headset is Gnutti, bars have Giro d' Italia logo, otherwise it is a mix of Zeus, Campagnola, Huret, Dura ace, the most interesting feature is the ornate lugwork, truly special !! After looking for hours the bike it most resembled ( lost somewhere in cyber space ) was a 1948 model ?? Is that what I've got here ??? ----- Original Message ----- From: <> To: <> Sent: Wednesday, April 28, 2010 8:46 AM Subject: Welcome to the "Classicrendezvous" mailing list
> Welcome to the mailing list! PLEASE
> e-mail list rules are different from other web forums and must be
> followed by all members. By participating in the list each member
> agrees to be bound by the all rules and those who do not will simply
> be removed from the list. This forum was created for the exchange of
> information and experiences relating to classic lightweight bikes and
> extends invitations to like-minded enthusiasts. Please note that this
> list is privately owned; it is not a "public" entity where democratic
> rule might apply. This forum should be viewed as "a group of friends
> who have been invited into the list owner's garage to talk about
> vintage lightweight bikes" and the invitees should behave as guests.
> Revised Sept 29, 2008
> 1. Sign off all messages with your first and last name, plus your
> city, state, and country. No anonymity is permitted. So that people
> can readily understand, spell out the required info in a "straight up"
> way, using no abbreviations or short cuts. We want our members to know
> where we are from: this helps create a community in which we are
> communicating "real person to real person." If you cannot agree to
> identify yourself in messages, please do not join. Members who do not
> sign off as required will be automatically (and without warning)
> removed from the list.
> 2. "For Sale" or "Wanted to Buy" postings for items in the CR on-topic
> time line only (prior to 1983) or distinctly "Keeper of the Flame"
> (KOF, in a classic style). If unsure, ask the web master BEFORE
> posting such items. "For Sale" postings must always include a set
> price (no "best offer," "highest bidder" or " I am thinking about
> selling..." and thereby fishing for an offer). For Sale ads may be
> only be posted one time. 3. Those selling items, bikes, etc., should
> provide detailed and accurate descriptions and&#160;quality digital
> photographs off-list, via a Web site or email. (Photos cannot be
> attached to, or embedded within, CR postings. See #6 below). Once a
> buyer has agreed to your price, the seller is obligated to follow
> through. Determine your asking price carefully as you are bound to it.
> PayPal is encouraged as a payment tool to protect both parties. 4.
> Buyers of goods offered on the CR list are obligated to pay promptly
> and not agree to purchase if they do not have the funds immediately
> available. PayPal is encouraged as a payment tool to protect both
> parties.
> 5. The CR list is for enthusiasts to share and appreciate their hobby.
> It is NOT to be used to maximize the selling prices of vintage bikes
> or parts, nor as a tool to establish "value. "What is my/your/this X
> worth?" is an inappropriate topic. Please search online auctions such
> as eBay for that information.
> 6. The CR list hosting software will not accept e-mails with Attached
> Files. Instead, list members should offer the URL to a web site
> containing those images or data (Use one of many free photo hosting
> services; some are listed on the CR Resources page.)
> 7. Before sending each message, carefully consider if it is on-topic,
> thereby avoiding extraneous mail. Be concise and be sure to use a
> subject line that reflects your content accurately. "Digest" users
> (those who receive the messages in bundles to cut down on e-mail) need
> to be especially careful to delete the parts of the digest that does
> not apply to their new message.
> 8. The CR list is not intended to be a "chat list", but one in which
> every message contributes to the communal knowledge base. Please make
> every post substantive.
> 9. Please do not send "Attaboy," "Me too, or jokes. These posts waste
> bandwidth, are too often misunderstood, and create strife.
> 10. Please post no more than three (3) messages per day to keep forum
> mail minimized. Make each message "weighty", i.e., having content that
> truly contributes.
> 11. Do not "cross post, i.e., send the same message to many lists. If
> we take the time to read your message, it should be very on- topic and
> unique to our list.
> 12. Courteous exchanges only. The list is not intended as a debate
> forum. Passionate disagreements may not be indulged in on-list.
> Members should be able to participate with the expectation that their
> contributions will be respected and they will be free from subsequent
> on-list or off-list harassment. A CR list member will immediately lose
> their membership if they engage in any attack or negative posts to or
> about another CR member.
> 13. Obscene (as the list owner views it), scatological, rude,
> off-color, vulgar, ugly, demeaning, or insulting language is
> prohibited and will result in instant removal! 14. New members are
> encouraged (but not required) to provide a short profile of
> themselves: what bikes they have or wished they had, other experiences
> relative to these bikes and a bit about who they are... Check out the
> CR archives for info on the rest of us. The archives are here
> (
> 15. While the CR focus is on the beginning of the twentieth century to
> 1983, a few contemporary, classically made small workshop bikes are
> considered on- topic* here These are generally referred to as "KOF"
> (see # 2 above). Those welded, injection molded, or glued modern
> wonders belong in some other mail list. Ditto for mountain bikes,
> "middle weights", BMX, recumbents, and balloon-tired bikes. Those
> bikes have merit, but they do not belong on the Classic Rendezvous.
> Ditto for components that are post- 1983 or those which are harbingers
> of a new, aesthetically "modern" era (like cycle computers, clipless
> pedals, index shifting, etc.) If in doubt of the appropriateness of
> your intended topic, please ask the web master first.
> 16. By joining and participating in the CR email list, each applicant
> and user hereby affirmatively waives any and all claims, causes of
> action, rights of action which may arise at any point or anytime with
> respect to any alleged libel, slander, defamation, false light claim
> or any other related personal tort claim. This waiver shall inure to
> the benefit of all CR List members, the List Master, Dale Brown,
> Cycles de ORO, Inc., and any assigns, heirs, or representatives. Each
> user assumes his or her own risk by participating in the CR List.
> Subject to the discretion of the List Master, members engaging in
> abusive or tortuous behavior will be permanently removed. Any and all
> claims or suits arising out of use, in any manner, of the CR list
> shall be subject to mandatory arbitration pursuant to the rules of the
> American Arbitration Association. Such arbitration shall take place
> in Greensboro, North Carolina, and be governed by the law of the State
> of North Carolina regardless of any conflicting (???)Rules. Do not
> hesitate to ask a newbie question. Everyone starts at the beginning!
> Please contact me at Webmaster if you have any questions.
> Have fun and welcome aboard! Dale Brown, List owner and web master
> (Special thanks to Jon Spangler for editing)
> To post to this list, send your email to:
> General information about the mailing list is at:
> If you ever want to unsubscribe or change your options (eg, switch to
> or from digest mode, change your password, etc.), visit your
> subscription page at:
> >
> You can also make such adjustments via email by sending a message to:
> with the word `help' in the subject or body (don't include the
> quotes), and you will get back a message with instructions.
> You must know your password to change your options (including changing
> the password, itself) or to unsubscribe.
> Normally, Mailman will remind you of your mailing list
> passwords once every month, although you can disable this if you
> prefer. This reminder will also include instructions on how to
> unsubscribe or change your account options. There is also a button on
> your options page that will email your current password to you.