:-) :-) :-)
I'll be there! My favorite is Warsteiner ..
Freek Faro Rotterdam Netherlands
2010/4/1 Dirk Feeken <dirk.feeken@t-online.de>
> I wrote a few days ago about the bankruptcy of Bruegelmann in Frankfurt,
> Germany who was Europe¹s largest dealer of high end bicycles in the 70s.
> I managed to track down their remaining stock and found the following in an
> industrial area near Frankfurt:
> http://farm3.static.flickr.com/
> The new stuff was already sold but I could get the complete stock of NOS
> vintage Campagnolo parts for a few hundred Euros (they needed to empty the
> hall and even said ³sorry, it¹s only old stuff, no carbon parts any more²)
> I just unloaded the boxes in my garage but it is just too much, I don¹t
> have
> enough storage for at least a quarter of the boxes. So I invite every list
> member to come to my house today (tomorrow I will be on vacation) and take
> as much as you can carry with two hands.
> My adress is
> Dirk Feeken
> Ersteraprilstrasse 1
> 69115 Heidelberg
> Germany
> --
> Dirk Feeken
> Heidelberg
> Germany