I think there are several high-end grouppos that could be used to build an early-mid 1970's bike up. Unfortunately today, the number of such grouppos is only 3-6 depending upon how you count. But in the early-mid 1970's - - -
- campagnolo nuovo record - campagnolo super record
- OMAS (don't know the grouppo name) - Gipiemme (don't know the grouppo name) - Ofmega (don't know the grouppo name) - Miche (don't know the grouppo name)
- stronglight 93 ; simplex slj 5000/6600 ; normandy/maillard - TA professional ; huret jubilee ; normandy/maillard
- shimano dura ace - SR/Sakae royal(bars/stem/post/cranks); Suntour VT(pre-75)Cyclone(75-76) ; Dia Compe - Sugino Mighty ; SR/Sakae ; Suntour ; Dia-Compe
In this time period, you seldom saw production bikes that mixed continents (asia and europe) on the same bike, probably because of import barriers. Even Schwinn was really a french bike, putting a "Schwinn Approved" mark on the Huret derailleurs, GB stems, and belgium-made brakes (until about 1973 or 1974, weinmann brakes.)
Later in the decade, Raleigh and Trek would mix continent (and even tubing on a single bicycle frame, in the case of TREK), and finally in the early 1980's, the french bike makers (Peugeot and Motobecane) started doing it too.
- Don Gillies
San Diego, CA, USA