Hi CR List!
The Phil Wood Memorial Service was a very meaningful reflection on the lives of both Phillip (Phil) Densmore Wood (July 9, 1926-March 14, 2010) and his wife Lavada (Vada) Rebecca Wood (November 11, 1930-December 18th 2009).
Amidst sharing by many family members, friends, and workers their lives were remembered.
Phil's motto: "Build it strong. Keep it simple. Make it Work." This motto has: "endured the test of time. Phil Wood hubs continue to carry on his tradition and values."
Important to the success of Phil Wood and Co. was his loving and supportive wife Vada: "in 1971, both Phil and Vada seized upon the possibility of manufacturing and selling Phil's new design of a bicycle hub."
I shared how as a bicycle tourist for 40 years I had used large flange Phil Wood hubs for most of my 70,000 miles of touring. There is nothing like flying down a steep mountain grade on Phil Wood hubs at 50 miles per hour and hear them "sing"..
There may have been other CR listers in attendance but I only identified Peter Johnson. Others please chime in if you were there.
Another important Chapter of Bicycle history has closed with the passing on of Phil Wood, truly a innovative and talented pioneer of bicycle design..
Keep Your Pedals in Motion,
Tom Hillman
Modesto, CA USA